The Badge Scanner for Event Organisers
Benefits for the event organiser
When exhibitors benefit, so do organisers, but there’s extra benefits that the event organiser can reap too.
re-booking rates
More leads captured at your event means increased ROI for exhibitors, and in turn a much higher probability of the exhibitor coming back next time.
Know your event better
As the organiser, you’ll be able to see how well your event is delivering for exhibitors, who needs help with generating more leads, and which stand positions are hot properties. Compare year-on-year performance to see the market trends.
Earn money from your data
The Badge Scanner can be provided as a paid option for exhibitors. Turn your data into a revenue stream.
Set up at short notice
We don’t need much time to get you started. Contact us with your event date and we’ll let you know how quickly we can have you up and running.
Works with your badging solution
Already got a QR code on your badges? That's great - The Badge Scanner can scan it and work with it.
…and with our badging solution too
The Badge Scanner works seamlessly with the BadgeX onsite printing solution, with data from the registration desk being made available when badges are scanned. And we can help with your pre-printed badges too.
Incentivise lead capture
When leads are captured digitally you can run competitions for both exhibitors and visitors based on their scanning metrics. Encourage visitors to engage with more stands, or exhibitor sales teams to perform at their best. After all, more lead generation is a good thing for everyone!
No additional hardware required
The Badge Scanner uses the exhibitors’ own phones. So no more scanner batteries to worry about, or debates about whether the exhibitor dropped the scanner in their tea.
Frequently Asked Questions from Event Organisers
We already have a lead capture service, why should we change to The Badge Scanner?
It’s simple to use and competitively priced. It requires minimal input from you, allowing you to focus on the event. It can capture leads while offline, so no drama if the event wifi goes down for a while. It requires only exhibitors’ phones. We provide unrivalled online and in-person support pre, during and post event. Our dedicated team deal with your exhibitors directly and support them throughout in a friendly way.
Why should I use The Badge Scanner over renting out handheld barcode scanners?
First and foremost, the quality of leads that exhibitors can capture will be a lot better, as they can take notes, record products of interest and categorise their hot leads or urgent follow-ups at the point of capture.
Not having to worry about hardware is a game changer. No more worrying about charging scanners. No more exhibitors going home with it in their pocket and wranging to get it back. No more disputes about whether the scanner should have been robust enough to still get data from after the exhibitor dropped it in their coffee.
The Badge Scanner is scalable. We can have you up and running with hundreds of exhibitors in hours, not days, and it doesn’t depend on what inventory is available.
How can we use The Badge Scanner to earn income?
Your visitor database has a value which exhibitors recognise. By providing The Badge Scanner you are providing both lead data and a means to easily collect it, saving exhibitors’ precious time onsite.
We’ll work with you to establish a pricing model. You can choose to offer The Badge Scanner without adding a margin, purely in the interest of giving your exhibitors a better return on their investment, or you can choose to include a fee for the data you’re providing, which can be included with the fee for The Badge Scanner and paid to you after the event.
What support do you offer?
This is the real difference with The Badge Scanner. We provide a full demo before your event with a real person. It’s quick to learn, but there are always questions, so we are here to support your event throughout. Exhibitors can contact us directly with their questions, enabling you to focus on organising.
We can provide on-site support during your event to assist your staff (costs apply). We are always available to event managers and exhibitors/sponsors to answer questions.
Benefits for your visitors and delegates
Enquiries get quick responses
Sadly, and unbelievably, most event leads don’t get followed up on. Your exhibitors have been out of the office, and then they have a backlog when they return, and lose track of all those scribbled notes.
By ensuring the leads are properly captured and shared with sales teams, The Badge Scanner helps visitors get the responses they come for - fast.
Ridiculously tiny learning curve
Visitors don’t want to spend time spelling out their contact details, any more than exhibitors want to use time writing them down. The Badge Scanner gives everyone a modern experience of the event. Now they just hold their badge out to be scanned.
And if anyone does get stuck, we'll hold their hand through it directly. So you can get back to sorting the hot-chilli-sauce-in-the-canapes incident.
Have more fun
With The Badge Scanner you can run competitions for visitors, e.g. get scanned by 10 stands, go into the prize draw to win a shiny new megegizmo.
This keeps your visitors more engaged with the exhibition element of the show.